On the 24th of October 2017 at the InterContinental Hotel in Warsaw, there was held the second edition of the “Europe & Emirates Economic Forum – Innovation as a Chance for Economic Development”. The event was organized by Emirates & Europe Business Development Cluster (, European Green Technology Alliance Cluster ( and the Investment Service Center S.A. (

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EEBD Forum 24.10.17 the Second Edition, Part 1

EEBD Forum 24.10.17 the Second Edition, Part 2

EEBD Forum 24.10.17 the Second Edition, Part 3

EEBD Forum 24.10.17 the Second Edition, Part 4 – GALA

Europe & Emirates Economic Forum

On the 24th of October 2017 at the InterContinental Hotel in Warsaw, there was held the second edition of the “Europe & Emirates Economic Forum – Innovation as a Chance for Economic Development”. The event was organized by Emirates & Europe Business Development Cluster (, European Green Technology Alliance Cluster ( and the Investment Service Center S.A. (

The Forum provided a great opportunity to strengthen economic and business cooperation as well as to present the cultural values of both European and the UAE communities. The subject of the event was the establishment of investment and business relations between governmental administrations, entrepreneurs and scientific communities.

Many representatives of the most important governmental units from Poland and the United Arab Emirates, economic institutions, financial institutions, academics, local governments and entrepreneurs participated in the Forum.

J. E. Yousif Eisa Bin Hassan Al Sabri, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Poland, Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Warsaw and Ayesha AlKobaisi, Director of International Organizations at the UAE Ministry of Economy have summarized the effects of the existing cooperation between the two countries. Representatives of the National Center for Research and Development, the Polish Ministry of Development and the Polish Agency for Trade and Investment also shared their knowledge and experience. Furthermore, the Forum was honored with the presence of representatives of Embassies from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Georgia, Bulgaria, Spain, Algeria, Tunisia and Iraq.

The Forum covered extensive discussion panels on modern technology transfer, development of electromobility, renewable energy sources, infrastructure and further boost of trade between Poland and the UAE.

Additionally, during the event, the Polish-Ukrainian and the Polish-Georgian cooperation agreements were signed. Moreover, an official cooperation agreement was signed between the Investment Service Center and CIN General Trading, a representative of Khalifa Industrial Zone of Abu Dhabi (KIZAD).

During the official gala, that closed the “Europe & Emirates Economic Forum – Innovation for Economic Development”, the finalists of the “Innovation Awards 2017”; competition were announced. The winners were awarded by President of Cluster Emirates & Europe Business Development and Jerzy Matraszek PhD, Eng. – Honorary President of the Competition Jury.

Awards in 7 categories received:

Innovative Start-up – Hyper Poland sp. z o.o.

Innovative Woman – Sylwia Ładzińska

Innovative Enterprise – Fibar Group S.A.

Innovative Entrepreneur – Marian Różewicki

Innovative City – Urząd Miasta Rzeszów

Innovative Municipality –Kazimierza Wielka Municipality

Innovative Marshal Office – the Kujawsko-Pomorski Marshal Office in Toruń

The main prize in the competition, which was a visit to the UAE technological park and cooperation with the UAE scientific and industrial community, was received by Krzysztof Tabiszewski, CEO of Hyper Poland.

In addition, this year, four special awards were given for specific contribution to the development of a given country, namely: Aisha AlKubaisi – Director of International Organizations at the UAE Ministry of Economy, George Zviadadze – President of Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (Georgia), Gennady Zubko – Deputy Prime Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine and Professor Włodzimierz Choromański – President of Green Cars Cluster (Poland). Moreover, Professor Choromański received the main prize, which was an air ticket to the United Arab Emirates. The founder of the main prize were Emirates Airlines, represented by Mr. Maciej Pyrka.

The Forum was an excellent opportunity to establish contacts between entrepreneurs from Poland, European countries and the UAE.

Detailed information about the event, including photos and videos, can be found on the following website: