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The initiator and organizer of the economic mission to Dubai for GITEX Technology Week, which was held on 15-21 of October, 2016 was Investment Service Center and Emirates & Europe Business Development Cluster. The very idea of the organized mission was presentation of Polish technological potential, promotion of partnership regions and establishment of cooperation with entrepreneurs and investors from the United Arab Emirates region.

33 people were collectively the participants of this event, including representatives of Polish start-ups, numerous governmental institutions and scientific-research units, such as: National Centre for Research and Development, the Marshall’s Office of Łódzkie Voivodeship, the Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship and Białystok Science and Technology Park.

In accordance with the assumptions, two parallel agendas of the stay in Dubai were conducted, addressed towards the entrepreneurs, governmental authorities and scientific-research units. The mission’s program directed towards young entrepreneurs included fairs’ visiting and meetings with selected exhibitors, clusters and participation in a number of workshops. The participants presented their solutions on augmented reality, IT services, modern construction, nutrition and medicine, renewable energy, agriculture and animal husbandry, defense, transportation and logistics and education. The governmental authorities and scientific- research units representatives attended to a number of meetings, including the one with the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland for the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Robert Rostek and the representatives of the UAE national institutions.

GITEX is one of the most important events organized by the United Arab Emirates. These fairs annually gather investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world, enabling latest technologies exchange and implementation of interesting and innovative start-ups. In this year’s, 36th edition of GITEX, the world’s greatest start-ups’ development has taken place. 35 countries have participated in this event in order to exchange valuable experience, present their project and secure their financing and acquire a new market through contacts’ establishment with more than 400 investors with real buying power.

A huge interest from the fairs’ visitors’ part was directed towards the Polish booth, which was the greatest stand of the European countries on this year’s GITEX fairs and simultaneously, a debut for Polish representatives on this event.

Under the mission for GITEX Technology Week 2016, following goals have been achieved:

  • Promotion of scientific and technical output on international arena;
  • Support for Polish entrepreneurship through acquisition of partners for start-ups and entrepreneurs for implementation of the most interesting projects;
  • Facilitation of start and business development for Polish entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates;
  • Delivery of information concerning innovative and modern technologies;
  • Presentation of technology transfer idea as a source of support for economic development;
  • Promotion of partnership relations between Poland and the United Arab Emirates;
  • Creation of cooperation foundation and experience exchange between the business representatives from Poland and the United Arab Emirates – the UAE.


Emirates & Europe Business Development Cluster –

Investment Service Center –